The South River School District is banning traditional backpacks, book bags and other gear to transport classroom materials to and from school at all grade levels.

In a letter to parents, Superintendent Sylvia Zircher called it an "extra measure in keeping prohibited items from entering our schools."

The school will provide, free of charge, a clear backpack for students to use.

Under the banner of school security, the South River High School switched to mandatory clear backpacks for the 2019-2020 school year.

Zircher noted "many other districts" have also taken similar steps as part of thier safety protocols.

Students will be allowed to carry a small handbag or purse for personal items, but it may be no larger than "half a sheet of paper."

Lunch boxes can also be used, but are not allowed to be carried around the school. They must remain in a locker until lunch, and returned immediately after.

A copy of the letter is below:

South River School District
South River School District

Eric Scott is the senior political director and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at

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