All You Need To Know About This Weekend’s Perseid Meteor Shower
Coming up this weekend is the Perseid Meteor Shower and because the moon will be going through it's darkest phase -- known as the new moon -- this year's star show should be a good one.
The peak period of the shower will be this Saturday and Sunday late at night and you should be able to see 60 to 70 meteors zipping across the sky each hour.
"The best time to see any meteor shower is after midnight," said director of the planetarium at Raritan Valley Community College, Amie Gallagher. "That's because that's when the part of the earth that you are on is moving into the stream of meteors."
Um excuse me, that is WAY past my bedtime --- but I digress...
And what are Perseid meteors? They are tiny pieces of depris from the tale of a Comet-Swift Tuttle -- so basically there is a trail of debris left by a comet and the Earth is passing through it.
Be sure to find a dark place in a rural area so you can have the chance to see as much as possible.
If you are looking to view the shower with others, head to the Perseid Meteor Shower Viewing Party at the Beach Plum Farm in West Cape May on Saturday from 8:30 to 11:00 PM.
For additional information or to check out other viewing parties, check out the original article at
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