Play The Jersey Shore Intersection Game
In our effort to see how well you know the Jersey Shore, we want you to play the brand new Jersey Shore intersection game.
It's a contest we'll be featuring on the morning show and we wanted to warm you up for that with an online practice session. Let's see how well you do with this test of your Jersey Shore knowledge.
And it's exactly what it sounds like. We give you the names of the two streets at the intersection and you have to tell us what town the intersection is in. Now, on the air next week, you won't have time to Google it, so don't do it in the practice round either!
Here are a couple of examples. Let's see if you can name the town these two intersections are in.
Aurora and Duquesne
Madison and McCabe
Can you get them right on your own. Give it a try. Remember it's a practice round. We'll have the Jersey Shore Intersection Game featured on Lou & Liz in the Morning next week for your chance to win some awesome prizes. Tune in for all the details and good luck!
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