Sometimes heading to the mall to get your shopping done can be a little overwhelming, but one local mall released a new app to make the whole process a LOT easier!
It's one of my new favorite discoveries, and there's a big name getting in on it. I'm talking about grocery rebate apps, and if you don't use them, you should start!
Have you heard of 2048?
No, it's not some futuristic's a completely addicting app that will get you immediately hooked, immediately annoyed...or both.
At least somebody's using the treadmill. You see things and you just have to have them, or you just know it's something you'll use over and over again. You get them, and you hardly ever use them.
Ever had one of those nights where you just couldn't decide which bar or club to go to here at the Jersey Shore?
A local man has created a mobile app to make that decision a little easier.
The "Facebookification" of Instagram continues as the app now allows you to tag people and places in your photos. There's an app update (3.5) available today and here's how it works.