The Silliest Birthday Gift
It's not always easy finding 'the right' gift for a girlfriend, boyfriend/husband, or baby shower. But this one cracked me up!
I got some really awesome gifts for my birthday from my girlfriends who know me so well.
There was beautiful smelling hand soaps, lotions, wine, fun makeup, jewelry, gift cards, and so much other awesome stuff.
But the gift that really made me smile was something I had never heard of. Udder Ointment. Just writing it makes me laugh. What a silly, funny name! As a Chap Stick and Blistex girl for years, I wasn't sure if I'd be too 'udderly' embarrassed to walk around slathering Udder Stick on my lips....but my sense of humor won out. It's just too funny NOT to try!
In all seriousness, though, it's really awesome stuff! Comes in creams for your dry skin and there are awesome things for the man and child in your life too, but I really do just think that the best part of all is the name!
Actually, it turns out that Dr. Hess Udder Ointment has been around for a hundred maybe I'm just the last one to hear about it, lol, but it's now making a comeback!
It's great gift idea for a baby shower, since there's "Udder Ointment for Baby Butts"!Perfect for a little one's drool sensitive chins and necks, as well as diaper rash!
And for the man in your life, there's Dr. Hess "Bull Balm"! It soothes razor burn on your man's face : )
Turns out that Dr.Hess, the inventor, was a Doctor of Veterinary sciences and created these remedies for treating the chapped udders of dairy cattle! Perfect! Now we humans can use it for eczema, cracked cuticles and rough feet, chafing, burns, and it's even great for Chemotherapy skin damage.
Click here for more info. You can find it in Walmart and Walgreens by mid-October.