Trying To Open Christmas Toys – Pet Peeves
As I was attempting to assemble some toys for my grandson Jonathan during the Christmas season i couldn’t help but wonder about a few things regarding the toy companies that package these items.
You know as well as I do that the assembly of these toys (a labor of love) is sometimes next to impossible. But before we even get there, let’s talk about the packaging. It is sometimes harder to get the toy out of the box than it is to put the thing together.
The packaging of these products is great to keep the toy in perfect place on store shelves and just ridiculous to try to pry from their perfect positioning when you want to free them for the kids to play with.
Here are some of the packaging problems that drove me crazy this Christmas, and I’m sure you’ll relate to.
Opening Toy Troubles
I’m sure I can go on and on, but I won’t, I just needed to vent. I’d spend an hour putting a toy together that he only plays with for 3 minutes every day, and I know you’d do the same for the kids you love, but it would be nice if the toy companies tried opening and assembling these toys themselves once or twice to see what they put us through. Merry Christmas.

MORE: See 30 toys that every '90s kid wanted
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