These are the parents of a new baby penguin....and we need your help naming him!

Three baby penguin chicks were hatched recently at Jenkinson's Aquarium in Point Pleasant Beach, and 'Baby A' still needs a name. (Babies 'B' and 'C' are now officially named Lilo and Stitch...for the full story on them, watch the video right here!)

Cindy and Nicole stopped by with these adorable penguins today, Betty and Onyx, who are the parents of the baby that still needs a name, to ask YOU, our Point listeners, for suggestions on baby names.

So if you have a good name idea, CLICK HERE to post it for the folks at Jenk's Aquarium, OR send an email to: ...and then stay tuned for the name unveiling!

The babies are still too young to be brought out, but CLICK HERE to see an adorable video of one of my visits to see the little ones.

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