Will My Boys Ever Be Able to Afford to Live on Their Own?
Not likely, if they want to stay in NJ, where we now rank NUMBER ONE IN THE NATION for how difficult it is for young adults to move out of their parents' home.
This is just another negative accolade for our state...and for Monmouth County which is among the top four counties in NJ that young adults can least afford to live in.
According to the latest report, our state ranks at the very top of the list of places where young adults can least afford to live.
Close to 50% of those ages 18 - 34 are living at home with their parents because of the astronomical cost of rent, car insurance, and other living expenses.
This is getting ridiculous. This state is INSANE when it comes to how expensive it is to live, shop, rent, staycation, pay taxes, and drive (gas prices, overcrowded roadways, tolls.)
I am all for my boys staying home as long as they need to in order to get a solid start on adult life, but the fact that they have such a tough road ahead unless they move out of state is very upsetting.
To read the statistics of this latest report on the upcoming generation of kids still living at home if they are in NJ, CLICK HERE!