Are You Beating The New Year’s Resolution Odds?
If you are still sticking to your New Year's resolution, you are doing better than just about the rest of the world, according to one publication.
We all know that it's not easy to keep a New Year's resolution, but if Strava's research is accurate then if you made it past the dreaded January 12th, then you're doing better than most people.
It turns out the publication did some research in the UK last year, and used data from over 31.5 million global activities and determined that the date that most people's resolution fades is January 12th.
For those Jersey Shore residents who have already given up on this years attempt, this should make you feel a little better, knowing you are certainly not alone, and for those who are still hanging in there, you're ahead of the game.
If you're waking up this morning still keeping to your resolution, you have beaten the odds! And in case you're wondering just how many people don't keep their New Year's resolution, some reports, like the one at Forbes.com, place the success rate as low as 8%.
So. our first workday after the big date has arrived. If you've made it this far, congratulations, and if you haven't don't worry, you're not alone. And if you didn't even make one this year, you're there along with me. I can't take the resolution pressure!
You know what, I take that back. How about we all start with baby steps. Nothing radical. How about something like eating a little better and exercising a little more. I think I can handle that, at least until February 12th!
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