Black Friday By The Numbers
The Jersey Shore is getting ready for what could be the biggest shopping weekend of the year. Black Friday weekend is here.
So what are the numbers behind Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Well, according to, the big shopping winner for all of Cyber Week is still Black Friday. 61% of shoppers say they'll do some shopping on Black Friday.
And it looks like shoppers will be spending more than they did last year as well. As a matter of fact, the survey says the average Black Friday shopper will be just over $500 and more will be spent this year on Cyber Monday as well ($431).
A hopping 43% of shoppers say they'll shop Cyber Monday, too, so based on these findings, retailers can expect a big week and especially a big weekend. And we hope that local businesses benefit from this news.
And according to this survey, the most shopped item will be clothing, with 40% of shoppers saying they'll be looking for fashion gifts.
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