We Now Know Exactly How Smart We Are In New Jersey
There is no lack of confidence here in the Garden State when it comes to measuring our intelligence. We're smart and we know it.
Just think of all the things we are really good at. The list is extensive, and we are certainly proud of it. Just look at the way we approach driving
Let's face it. There are a million cars around us, but we know deep down in our hearts that we are the best driver on the road at any given time, and we enthusiastically, and sometimes colorfully offer our advice to any vehicles that might cross our path. Those helpful hints come in both verbal and gesture forms.
But what we're talking about here is the most educated states in the country, and if you have a strong belief that we should be named the smartest state in the nation, you are about to be disappointed.
Stacker does put us in the top 20% in the nation for most educated states, but just barely. New Jersey ranks at #10 on the list, which is very respectable.
But I can't help think that some in the Garden State will feel a little insulted by this revelation. We are constantly ranked at or near the top for education, so why wouldn't this ranking be higher here?
It turns out the ranking is generally based on the highest level of education completed by residents. In New Jersey, our highest percentage of residents have a high school diploma (27.2%), while 24.2% have a Bachelor's Degree.
The percentage of people from New Jersey with a graduate or professional degree is a very impressive 15.5%.
I know many of you might be disappointed with a #10 ranking here, but if we're being honest, it's a pretty impressive ranking for the Garden State.