There may be no better place to enjoy a sunrise or sunset than the Jersey Shore, and this one is a beauty.

If you want to play along, we want you to try to name the location this sunset shot was taken, and even if you don't want to play along, or aren't sure where it is, that doesn't matter. Just enjoy the view.

If you do want to give it a guess, here are some clues. My wife Diane took this picture yesterday. And if it helps, the shot was taken in Ocean County in what I think is really one of the most beautiful spots at the Shore.

It's such a tough one, because it could be just about anywhere, so let's add a clue. It's southern Ocean County, if that helps.

I think we'll even share a second picture from the same area because it may help you guess the spot, but more importantly, because it is just so gorgeous to look at.

a mystery sunset 2
photo, Diane Russo

So take your best guess, and tomorrow morning, we'll reveal the location the picture was taken. In the meantime, good luck and enjoy the view. It's just another reason to love the Jersey Shore.

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