You Know You’re From Long Branch When…
This series has turned into one of my favorites. Brick, Howell, Freehold, Middletown, Manalapan thanks for representing your community. Now, it's time to shine the spotlight on Long Branch.

I asked listeners from LB to fill in the blank on Facebook. You Know You're From Long Branch When...After going through hundreds of comments, here are the suggestions that were most popular. If you don't see your comment, don't worry. There will be a part two. What's missing from this list? Let us know in the comment section below.
You Know You're From Long Branch When...
you get a hot dog and fries from the windmill and sit on the jetty enjoying the waves and sunset. (Judith Smith Rodgers)
you enjoy an Italian ice from The Lighthouse (Lee Martin)
you come back home for a visit and plan it around eating a hot dog and fries at the Windmill, Italian ice at The Lighthouse and a Dutch Coffee at the Inkwell! (ReeRee Lang)
you use to go to the Haunted Mansion over and over again. (Jennifer McLawhorn Green)
you spent your summer at Crammers or Chelsea (Michele Graziano Whelan)
Windmill and Max's hot dogs are on your weekly dinner menu. (Joann Paglia Drahos)
you walked the chelsea pool tunnel (Tom Prosser)
you went to the clubs on the boardwalk and than went to Pistol Pete's for pizza at 3 in the morning! Such fun! (Nancy Grandinetti Rosati)
you stopped at Johnny's after school (Jonathan Molina)
the majority of your family photos have the ocean in the background. (Beth Anne Duze Woolley)
you had a sub from Ocean View Bakery (Diane Merla)
you know what Johnny's is and ate Dale's Subs. (Lindsay Cerniglia)
you used to be able to get hot rolls from Kalman's Bakery on Long Branch Avenue. (Mary Pardee Lumia)
you went to church at Holy Trinity on Sunday and ran across the street after for your black & white cookie from Baldanzas! (Laura Mistretta)
you walked down the boardwalk with the ocean air hitting you in the face. The sun glistening off the water. People are surfing and kids are building sand castles with there friends. You have people fishing off the jetties from one to the other. Stopping in at west and getting a hot dog and chatting with some of the locals. Long Branch is and always will be a special place in my heart and many who have lived there. (Keith Pedrick)
watched Jaws at the Grant's movie theater in West End and didn't swim in the ocean that whole summer! (Carly Enriquez)
you remember Jimmy Loo's was the best and only Chinese restaurant in Long Branch. (Michele Graziano Whelan)
you hung in the Pitt at night with your friends! (Beth Gustafson Danella)
you played pinball at Wizard's World Arcade. (Angela Yost)
you could go from Num's, to Pier Pub, to Cafe Bar in one night...have a blast - and never even get in your car! (Lisa Pedone Hull)
you remember 5 corners and the Landmark Hotel. (Michele Graziano Whelan)
you've gotten had scrape marks from the waterslide. (Dave Tober)
you've roller skated/bicycled/skateboarderd on the 'Green Road' or even know where and what it was. (Renée Carmel)
you went to The Holy Trinity fair and remember the grease pole. (John Pocaro)
you went to The Cave or Club Paradise. (Debi Grant)
you spent every day of summer at the Boardwalk, Big Al's, Pistol Pete's, Chelsea pool and couldn't afford anything out of Sand Tropez!! (Deez BoyzMama)
you got penny candy at Tommy Reed's bike shop on Sairs Ave. (Erin Welsh Harner)
you went to the fireman's fair in West End. (Marina Renee D'Alema- Cook)
you know how to pronounce 'Joline.' (Liz Kraft Scott)
you and your family took a walk down Broadway to the boardwalk after dinner. Then on the way home stopped off at Caputo's for Spumoni Ice Cream. (Elizabeth Galanakis)
you remember 'old man Cookie' selling newspapers throughout town. (Edgar Colon )
you got your varsity jacket at Skips Sports! (Laura Mistretta)
you walked under the trestle to get to school. (George Ortiz Hair)
the high school had "Behind the Wheel" class! They actually took you out to drive a car! Lol (Ivette Feliciano)
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