Money Challenge 2016: Week 7
We are 7 weeks into our 52-Week Money Challenge, and if you're resolve is fading, we have a little motivation for you!
St Thomas
At the end of this challenge, you will wind up with (at least) $1,378. That can buy you:
- An all-inclusive trip to Punta Cana
- a liberal month's worth of groceries for an average family of 4 (depending on your shopping habits, you might be able to cover 2-3 months worth!)
- 8.5 month's worth of car insurance (based on the average in NJ)
- Two pairs of these fabulous Louboutins (because who can decide on just one color?)
Keep your eye on the prize...what are you saving up for?
This week, add $46 to your savings to bring your total so far to $343. (And if you can afford to add more, go for it!)
Have a great week!
Money challenged reversed
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