Monmouth And Ocean Among Highest Flu Counties in The State
In the last week of 2016, Monmouth and Ocean Counties were among the counties that reported the highest number of positive flu tests.
As a matter of fact, Monmouth County was the highest County in the state, with Ocean County ranked at number 4, according to nj.com. And if you've had it or know someone who has, you know that this year's flu is a rough one, complete with headache, fever, chills and sore throat.
Experts are saying this year's strain, known as H3N2, is especially tough on infants and the elderly.The CDC reports that influenza was on a steady rise toward the end of 2016 and is expected to continue to increase, and they are recommending vaccines for those 6 months and older.
So, here we go again. Hand washing, hand gel, avoiding coughing and sneezing co-workers and friends. And if that doesn't work out, then comes the tea, honey, tissues, and, in the case of most men, a two week supply of whining.
The CDC also provides tips on how to avoid the flu.
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