Reap The Health Benefits of Hot Peppers This Winter
During the winter months, my chili plant stays in my kitchen and produces super-hot peppers, which I use for soups, stews, chili, tacos and Sunday sauce. The perennial shrub is easy to grow and maintain, producing many health benefits as well.
Some of the health-promoting properties include a reduction in LDL cholesterol levels and a rich source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. They also contain valuable minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron. Another vitamin group found in chili peppers is the B-Complex, which could boost energy, improve memory and stimulate the immune system. The key compound in these peppers is capsaicin, which has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic properties.
Click here to learn more about the health benefits of chili peppers and start growing your own chili peppers.
Do you incorporate hot peppers into your winter meals?