The Jersey Shore’s Favorite Breakfast Syrup – Poll Results
Our morning show visit to the Brick IHOP this week had us all thinking pancakes and pancakes had us thinking syrup. So what's the Jersey Shore's favorite syrup? We have your poll results.
First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who stopped by Brick IHOP yesterday. It was National Pancake Day and $80,000 was raised for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and Children's Specialized Hospitals.
Alright, now let's get to the syrup survey. We asked Jersey Shore residents to vote on their favorite syrup flavor, and I had a sneaking suspicion that original syrup would take the crown.
But there is usually one thing you can count on and that's that my sneaking suspicions are usually wrong. and that was the case again this time. Here are how the results shaped up in our survey.
Butter Pecan..25%
Thanks for the votes and thanks once again for all the support of National Pancake Day this year. You really helped make a difference for an amazing group of kids and their families.
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