This Picture Says A Lot About The Jersey Shore
Sometimes you stumble across something that just explains something better than any words can, and this picture is one of those times.
There are some undisputed things about living at the Jersey Shore. For example, we are always in a hurry. There is no such thing as a relaxing drive at the Shore. We always have a light to make or a car to pass.
Also, we can never find a parking space. Whether we're at the supermarket, at the beach, the mall or just running errands, finding a place to park is always a battle and it always will be.
So does it surprise you that when a traffic cone, which got placed over a dip in a parking spot at a strip mall, got run over? Maybe the driver didn't see it (after all, that bright orange really blends in right?) or maybe he or she was just sick of circling the lot looking for a spot.
Whatever the reason, leveling a traffic cone that's there to help you avoid a potential problem says a lot about the pace of life and amount of patience we have here at the Jersey Shore.
Or maybe it just says we have some really bad drivers with really bad vision. and that's pretty scary too. Whatever happened to this poor unsuspecting traffic cone one thing is for sure. The minute I saw it, I had this overwhelming "Jersey" feeling.
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