Try To Name This Monmouth County Town
We love where we live and we love to learn more about it. There's always something that you never knew about our little corner of the world here at the Jersey Shore. So let's play another round of "Name The Monmouth County Town".
It's pretty easy to play. e give you three clues about this town. The clues could be a name, a date, a location or even an interesting piece of history about the town. All you have to do is evaluate the info and name the town.
Of course, we strongly suggest that you not use Google to get these answers. Anyone can do that! Try to get the answers on your own. That's the only time a correct answer will give you the true joy of accomplishment.
Let's get to it then. Here are the clues for this edition of "Name The Monmouth County Town. Good luck!
Clue #1 Portland Pointe. Obviously the name of a place? But how does it fit in? We'll add the clue..that's an old name.
Clue #2 This town is now named after none of the founders, but some of their names were Leonard, Martin, Woodward, Laurie and Lake.
Clue #3 When this borough was being formed, the major source of transportation was steamer service.
Those are all the clues you're going to get this time around, an we admit, this is a pretty tough one. as a matter of fact, this is so challenging we're going to give you a bonus clue...
Counting multiple word names, this town name is the longest in Monmouth County.
Take your best guess, and we'll have the official answer for you tomorrow morning. Good luck!!

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