The Two New Jersey Superstars You Didn’t Know Were Musicians
We know that we have an amazing group of New Jersey superstars who are music legends and did some, like Jon Bon Jovi and Queen Latifah. But we also have Garden State actors you might not even know are musicians.
Of course, New Jersey already boasts an amazing lineup of musical stars that include legendary names like Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Queen Latifah, and soon-to-be legend, Charlie Puth.
We also know that many of our favorite singing stars have given a go at acting, and in many cases, it was a big success. I think Queen Latifah's work in Chicago is a great example.
But how about those New Jersey actors who have risen to the top of Hollywood and still needed more. They wanted to be rock stars, too.
So who are these rock-loving New Jersey actors? The names might just surprise you.
Bruce Willis. Yes, Die Hard's John McClane is a singer, in case you didn't know. He released an album, titled The Return of Bruno in 1987. And believe it or not, one of his songs was a top 5 hit.
The song was called "Respect Yourself", it featured June Pointer, from Pointer Sisters fame, and it hit #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts.
Joe Pesci. It's really not fair to call Joe Pesci an actor who wanted to be a rock star, because his career really started in music. He once played guitar for Joey Dee and the Starliters.
Pesci released his debut album in 1968. Movie fans all over the world, though, are thrilled that his career path steered him toward movies, where he starred in memorable role after memorable role throughout his impressive career.
Bruce Willis and Joe Pesci. Download their music today. check out some other stars who branched out into a musical career at Yardbarker.