For many girls at the Jersey Shore may think today is the day he will finally pop the question, there is good news and bad news.

Let's start with the bad news. In a recent poll of men and women reported at Huffington Post, Valentine's Day is not the top day for proposals. Christmas Eve takes that honor. And now for the good news. Actually there is no good news. Valentine's Day is only the fourth most popular day for proposals.

Interestingly enough, the girls who were polled said on which day they wanted to get proposed to and their number one answer? Valentine's Day! So your instincts on this day are right on the mark. At least from the female point of view.

Here's to hoping all your dreams come true this Valentine's Day! And just to be fair, let's give the other side of the story. One report at Dailymail says that couples who get engaged on what they call "gimmick days" like Valentine's Day are 18-36%  higher than other couples.

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