Valentine’s Numbers All Jersey Shore Men Should Know
Valentine's Day is here this Thursday, and if you didn't know that, then you are the perfect person to read the rest of this.
It's time to bring you more Valentine's numbers, and there are a few here that I think all Jersey Shore guys should be aware of before Valentine's Day gets here. Just file this info under the 'glad I knew ahead of time' category.
Let's take a look at some statistics compiled by groovycandies.com, and let's let them soak in. Guys, we put the one's you should pay closest attention to in bold.
Average annual Valentine's Day spending...It's $18.5 billion. No that's not each person guys, but you better do your share!
Valentine's cards exchanged annually...180 million, so don't show up without one. You don't want to be the only guy on the block without a card, do you?
Percentage of flowers bought by men...73%. Wouldn't that card look nice sitting atop a dozen roses? You don't want to be the only guy on the block without flowers, do you?
***Percentage of women who would end their relationship if they didn't get anything for Valentine's Day***...53%... this one gets the bold, the italics, and the asterisks. For those of you who aren't into math, that's more than half!
With about 4,5000,000 million people married in the Garden State, that's a lot of people expecting at least something for Valentine's Day, so guys, we're urging you do the right thing, for your own good!
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