We have settled into January at the Jersey Shore. We all know that nothing seems average about our weather lately, but what does an average January look like across Monmouth & Ocean Counties?

We checked that very question at usclimatedata.com and here are the average numbers for some towns around the area.

Freehold. The average January temperature in the Monmouth County seat is a high of 40 degrees and a low of 22 degrees and 3.5 inches of precipitation.

Long Branch. The January high/low split is 41/24 and Long Branch's precipitation totals in January average about 4.25 inches.

Toms River. The high/low temperature split for Toms River on average in January is 41/22 and the precipitation total for the month is 4.21 inches.

And just for fun we looked at the extreme northwest of the state to find Newton's average January daily temps to be 35/15 and a look south to Cape May shows a 42/28 split.

When you look at those numbers, it doesn't look all that bad. So, why do many of us dread  January so much. The answer? It must be all those nasty snowstorms we've had, and the next segment in our series will focus on exactly that. Our focus will be the January 1996 snowstorm in the next installment.

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