Worst Intersection in Monmouth County
This is a personal pet peeve. I'm sure there are many intersections that drive you crazy, but this one takes the cake for me.
I have to drive into Red Bank quite often. I try different GPS programs just to see which ones route me around traffic the best, but most of the time I still get stuck for several lights (and the train) no matter which way I am approaching this particular intersection.
I think I have learned my lesson and from now on I will probably take the back streets of Red Bank instead (by going down Shrewsbury Ave, etc.), because it's not worth it to sit in my car and stew at the amount of traffic lights I have to watch turn greed and red before I ever get up to a green light that I can get through.
The intersection I am talking about is the one at Rt. 35, Broad Street/Maple Ave., and Newman Springs Road (pictured.) It's hell no matter which way you are approaching, whether you are trying to get out of Red Bank or into the town.
What intersection leaves you stuck and fuming?