You Know You’re From Marlboro When…
Earlier this year, we set out to really get to know the towns in Monmouth and Ocean counties. I simply asked people on Facebook to complete this sentence: you know you're from (town) when___________. The responses from Middletown, Howell and Freehold were classic.
Now it's Marlboro's turn in the spotlight. Thank you for all the awesome ideas! See how many of these Facebook submissions you remember or can relate to. What is missing? Let us know in the comment section below.
You know you're from Marlboro when...
Donna Iacono-Nyc: every weekend your child is attending another Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
Lauren Feldbaum Gilman: someone asks you how to spell it, you reply, like the cigarette.
Matthew Robert: you've done aerobics at MHS with Ms. Hill and Mr. Acker!
(follow up) Patricia Ann Stevenson: Or remember being picked up at the boardwalk by Stu Snyder on a bus for senior cut day?
(another follow up) Or suspended by WANDA?
Dorry Williams Pedalino: you know what "The Slaughterhouse" is, and have been there!
Kashif Siddiq: your life depends on Rt. 9 for everything.
Ed Sullivan: when you see the Emu on 520!
(follow up) Michael Ringel: when the emu and llama get out of the farm and run down Union Hill Road and drive you off the road! #needanewtire
Erin Elizabeth: the Chinese restaurants are packed on Christmas.
Rima Mukherjee: you enjoyed going to the movies right here in town at the Regal Theater off of Texas Road, but where Costco now resides...boohoo!
Felice Brody Semegram: when you remember the "Freehold Circle" and Pond Road movie theater!
Laura Fischer: You make a midnight run to Wawa for coffee or when you meet friends for lunch at Moms.
Perri Goldstein: you drive a Mustang to high school.
Michelle McGivney: most people are originally from Staten Island, Brooklyn or Queens..including me.
Ed Sullivan: when you remember when Igoe Rd. was dirt and haunted but you went down anyway with your headlights off!
Perri Goldstein: you played travel soccer or ate at Marlboro Pizza.
Melissa Whoeler: when you pay a lot of taxes and get nothing for them!!
Eric Beauchea: you are a 57-year-old woman who drives an Escalade ESV, but can't park it, doesn't have a job or use turn signals and will kill you before missing the turn for Wegmans.
Nicole Gambardella Burns: when you decide which grocery store you are going to shop at based on whether or not you have to take a jug handle to get to it.
Erica Komito Boilen: you begged your mom to take you to the Steinbachs Mall.
Felice Brody Semegram: you remember Roy Rogers on Taylor Mills Road.
Ruth Kantor: the high school parking lot has more expensive cars than I'll ever afford!
Bruno Oswald Walter: you remember someone telling you there is a pool on the fourth floor of the Marlboro middle school.
Cindy Gissubel Napoletano: you own over 30 hooded sweatshirts and drawstring bags from bar/bat mitzvahs.
Donna Iacono-Nyc: it's 10:00 AM on a weekday and half of Marlboro is working out in the gym.
Jan Voorhees-Kwacz: when you know what Marlboro stands for.
(follow up) Patricia Ann Stevenson: Named for the "marl" that was dug from the pits and sold and used by farmers for fertilizer.
Marc Robinson: even if the parking lot is empty you still park on the sidewalk, because you're entitled, you're from Marlboro.
Beth Temes Hanley: you went to Manalapan Diner on Friday nights.
Rachel Dawn: If you went/go to Wildwood after prom.
Julius Zak: your commute to work is 2 hours each way.
Krissy Plaza: when the tooth fairy pays 6-year-olds $20 lol.
Erica Komito Boilen: you remember there was no Colts Neck High School, and there was only one middle school.
Beth Temes Hanley: If you shopped at Smith Bros.
Michelle Mld: it takes you 20 minutes to make a left onto Rt. 79.
Alan Fox: The packaging in your 10 year old oven hasn't been removed.
Dunne-Cucinelli Bernadette: Kids don't play on the street, they're all in camp, and get all gear from Dennys :))
Jacqueline Kreger: somebody says "Oh, that's where the Psychiatric hospital is."
Laura Isk: you head to 6-12 because there is no 7-11!
Ruth Kantor: you got your kid's shoes (and your) shoes at Gary's. He was the best at fitting the kids!
Amy F. Dresnack-Kravitz: When you sit for thirty minutes at a jughandle just waiting to get on 9, and it takes 40 minutes to get to the mall on a weekend day/
Jan Voorhees-Kwacz: you know Birch Hill.
Staci Recchia-Sansolo: you remember the place with indoor batting cages and arcades. I think it was on Campus Drive.
(follow up) Mimi Levitt: Grand Slam USA
Garth Gutierrez: you have a Brooklyn accent, but never lived in Brooklyn.
Linda Tick Moorstein: you rode your bike or walked to get candy at Grandmas Candy Shop on Rt 79.
Debbie Kopcho-Borden: you learned to ski (and skied) at Camp Arrowhead!
Ashwini Dhume: I am a new implant to Marlboro but this thread and my 6-year experience shows that people of Marlboro are witty and have a wicked sense of humor.. :)
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