3 Things You’re Sure To See In The Summer At The Jersey Shore
We all know that there are things we see at the Jersey Shore that make us say 'summer must be coming'. Here are three things we're about to see a lot of.
Sure, there's a chance you'll see these things any time of the year, but the odds rise dramatically during a Jersey Shore summer.
The lost driver. Forget apps, GPS and all the other technologies to keep us on the right road, summer at the Shore means confused drivers doing 15 in a 45 because they can't find the beach. Hint: It's east.
The tourist wardrobe. Is there a special store somewhere that sells this stuff? News flash. This is not required clothing when you're going to the Shore. And no socks with flip flops please.
The brake light show. You know the routine. No matter where you go, no matter what time you go there, you will always be surprised and it never will be a good surprise. You have season passes to the Jersey Shore Brake Light Show.
These, of course, are just a few of the joyful things we will encounter now that a Jersey Shore summer is within reach. Do whatever you normally do to prepare for it and brace yourself. Here we go again!
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