Can You Spare a Can for this Food Drive in Asbury Park?
The Love Your Neighbor Food Drive welcomes your food donations beginning today. The goal: To fill a trailer this week with food to distrubte to those in need.
Coastal Habitat for Humanity is teaming up with the Asbury Park Rotary Club to help local residents in need this holiday season. So from Wednesday, Nov. 11th through Sunday, Nov. 15th , staff and volunteers from both organizations will be collecting non-perishable items.
They really appreciate your generosity in stopping by to drop off anything you can spare. They'd really like to get some traditional holiday foods to local families and are asking for Thanksgiving favorites like boxed stuffing, canned cranberry, canned yams, instant potatoes, instant sweet potatoes and jarred gravy.
Of course, they will accept ALL non-perishable foods as well, including canned foods, dry pasta, cereal, granola bars, juice boxes, peanut butter, etc.
This year, more than ever, there is great need for food right here at the Jersey Shore. Kim Sambade of Coastal Habitat for Humanity says,
"As a housing organization with a mission to make sure that everyone has a safe, affordable place to live and take pride in, it is also important that we help in any way we can. Partnering with the Asbury Park Rotary Club will bring people together to collect donations and to make a difference this Thanksgiving. This has been a difficult year and supporting the homeowners that we serve is a way to continue our outreach and impact in the community."
Donations will be accepted outside of the Coastal Habitat for Humanity ReStore at 1105 Memorial Drive (between 3rd & 4th Avenues) in Asbury Park. So just pull up and drop off. It's simple!
The trailer will be open for donations during ReStore hours:
Wednesday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Masks and social distance protocol will be required.
Donations will then be distributed to those in need by Coastal Habitat for Humanity and the Community Affairs & Resource Center.
This is the second Coastal Habitat for Humanity Love Your Neighbor food drive this year. Back in May non-perishable items were collected and assembled to complete bags for over 85 local families.
For more information about Coastal Habitat for Humanity programs and the Asbury Park ReStore, or to become a volunteer, please reach out to Kim Sambade, Director of Event & Volunteer Services via email at ksambade@coastalhabitat.org or by phone 732-898-4094.

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