Cute! The 20 Best Halloween Costumes For Your Jersey Shore Dog
I recently got invited to a Halloween party for a night in late October. It's at my best friend's house and last year the party was great. I think he's trying to make his house become "THE Halloween party house". I'll give him a ton of credit because It's an awesome Halloween tradition. Last year there were 30 people dressed in costumes playing flip cup, 15 people vs. 15 people, it was intense!
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So yeah, It's right around this time I start thinking about what I should be for Halloween. I usually keep it simple and wear my bacon costume. When in doubt, pull out the bacon costume! However I hope to change it up this year, I don't think I received any votes at the party for the best costume... It's time to go all out this year!
At the party, some of my friends were getting creative and dressing up with their dogs! I thought it would be awesome to put together the 20 best Halloween Costumes for your Jersey Shore dog...
The 20 Best Halloween Costumes For Your Jersey Shore Dog
What costume do you think was the best? Awesome job by chewy.com! If there was one that you would love your dog to have, CLICK HERE!
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