I knew Ocean County towns were starting to close playgrounds, but it looks like Monmouth County locations are now doing the same.

(Photo by Moe Keane)
(Photo by Moe Keane)

A Point listener saw this playground in West Long Branch and snapped a photo. This one is at the corners of Wall St. and Rt. 71.

As a reminder, a virus can survive on plastic and stainless steel surfaces of playground equipment for 2 - 3 days, not to mention that if there are other little kids besides yours gathered, it's hard to keep children six feet apart and monitor that they aren't touching their eyes, ears, mouth or nose. So if you are still taking your kids to a public playground, at the very least make sure you have disinfecting wipes (to treat surfaces like swing chains) and hand sanitizer with you.

Or, better yet, avoid public playgrounds for now.

There are no official specifics yet on rain, sunlight, or other weather conditions 'killing' coronavirus covid-19 germs on surfaces, so don't assume that just because it downpoured or that warm sunshine baked the surface of the playground equipment that you are in the clear.


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