Revealed – Monmouth & Ocean Counties Towns With Highest Taxes
If you ask Monmouth and Ocean County residents where all there money goes, it won't be long before you hear the word 'taxes'.
A recent report at says many area residents are considering moving out of the Garden State, and one of the top reasons is the cost of living and our property taxes are a big cost of our living here. They're high just about everywhere in Monmouth & Ocean Counties, but where are they the highest?
A recent report at had the answers to that very question. So, which towns in our area have the highest property taxes, and just how much are they?
Let's start with Monmouth County. The town with the highest property taxes is Rumson Borough, and the average number is pretty staggering. The average property tax in Rumson Borough was nearly $20,000 last year ($19,557 to be exact)
The town that has the second highest in Monmouth County wasn't even really close. It's Loch Arbour at $16,874.
Now. let's take a look at Ocean County, where 2017's highest property tax crown goes to Mantoloking, with the average in 2017 being $17,423. Mantoloking's closest competitor was Bay Head, a distant second with a bill that was nearly $5000 less at $12,565.
In recent Wallet Hub research, New Jersey was, by far, the worst state in the nation for property taxes, clocking in at an average of $7601. By comparison, the national average is $2197, and the state that pays the lowest is Alabama at only $550.
Last hear's New Jersey property taxes hit a new high in the Garden State. We are 2017's top state in the nation at
If you need something to make you feel a little better about the property taxes you're shelling out each year, let's look to Tavistock Borough in Camden County, where, according to, the average property tax is a head shaking $31,415 last year.
I'm not sure what the answer is, but the property tax problem just keeps getting worse. And the worse it gets, the more people are packing up and leaving the problem behind. It's not exactly the way New Jersey officials wanted to tackle the congestion problem in the Garden State.
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