This 16-year old brother and his 13-year old sister have been hard at work to help our community.

5Help Foundation was created by Drew and Heather Paglia, highschoolers from Monmouth County. They live in Millstone and right now they want your shoes!  And homemade cards, too.

Their Shoe Drive fundraiser is this Saturday, November 21st, and will raise funds to purchase holiday gifts for seniors, veterans, and children. 5Help will earn funds based on the total weight of the pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes collected and that money will go to purchase small gifts of gloves, blankets, socks, and toys to spread some holiday cheer. The shoes will then be given a second chance and make a difference in people’s lives both locally and around the world.

Anyone can help by donating gently worn, used and new shoes at either the Freehold Municipal Complex off Stillwell Corner Road from 8:30a.m. - 11:30 am on Saturday, or at The Baird Historic Homestead, 24 Baird Road in Millstone from 1 pm - 3 pm.

Clothes will also be collected by the Blessing Bag Brigade that day, but must be put in separate bags. 5Help will also accept new and/or unopened items you may have planned on regifting or items with original tags. Porch pick-up is available in certain local areas by emailing

All donated shoes will be redistributed throughout a network of micro-enterprise (small business) partners in developing countries where economic opportunity and jobs are limited and sold as low cost footwear to those in need. Proceeds from the sales of the shoes collected are used to feed, clothe and house their families. Drew says,

"We are excited about our shoe drive. We know that most people have extra shoes they aren’t using in their closets and by donating to us, their donations have double power impact. They help us raise money to pay for holiday gifts to those in need and support families and entrepreneurs in developing countries. It's a NO-COST way to help and is a win-win for everyone.”

Drew and Heather are also asking for handmade cards that 5Help can deliver to senior citizens and veterans in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and to autistic kids, through their Adopt-a-Grandparent, Adopt-a-Veteran and Adopt-a-Buddy programs. They will buy as many low cost gifts to give them along with the cards until 100% of the funds received are depleted.

Cards will be collected not only through the holidays but throughout the year and can be mailed in bulk or one at a time to:

5Help Foundation, 200 Village Center Drive #7392, Freehold, NJ 07728

Or drop them off at select 5Help Card Drop Locations. If your business would like to be a card drop location, please email

Drew and Heather co-founded 5Help Foundation, a NJ Nonprofit organization (pending 501c3 status) at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. They support areas of need and crisis $5 at a time to help those on the front lines, senior citizen, and small businesses.

5Help has also added Tim Rohrer to their board. He is a young adult with autism who is an author, speaker, & self-advocate with his Tips4Inclusion to help bring awareness about inclusion for those with special needs/autism and to address bullying.

Heather and Drew have also formed partnerships with Eric LeGrand/Forbeto, NJ EMS Task Force, and Allaire Community Farm to help as many people as possible.


5Help has raised over $66,000 to help numerous areas of need & crisis and, with help from their teen volunteers and donors, have raised/delivered over 5,000 pounds of food filling 7 truckloads to stock 6 food pantries in 4 counties!

CLICK HERE for their free online fundraising platform to engage and get other teens/kids/adults involved. For more information on how you can donate, volunteer, or be part of their Adopt-a-Grandparent/Veteran/Buddy initiatives please CLICK HERE!

100% of proceeds raised from their fundraisers and campaigns goes to helping others. No money is used for any administrative, legal, or accounting fees which are being fully funded by the Paglia family. Corporate sponsors are actively being sought to expand their mission further. Join the 5Help Team Movement and help make a difference in the lives of others!

For more info, contact Drew Paglia via email: or call 732-672-1127.

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