This Is New Jersey’s Most Interesting Job
Let's face it, we have some very interesting people who do interesting things here in New Jersey. So what is New Jersey's most interesting job?
I think that you could guess all day and not come up with what Media Feed decided is the most interesting job in the Garden State. It's not to say the job they chose isn't interesting, it's just to say you probably would never guess it.
So what do you think the most interesting job in the state might be? Maybe it's life guard, or running a game or wheel on the boardwalk? Could it be an entertainer in Atlantic City or maybe a reality TV star?
Nope, it's none of those. It's actually much more clinical than that. The most interesting job in the Garden State belongs to biochemists and biophysicists.
In case you're like me and you don't know exactly what that means, they "study the chemical composition or physical properties of living cells and organisms, research the effects of drugs, hormones, and nutrients on tissues and biological processes".
Of course, New Jersey is home to many pharmaceutical companies, which certainly had a lot to do with this selection. So congrats to the biochemists and biophysicists in the Garden State and our apologies to all the reality stars out there.

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