What’s The Jersey Shore’s Favorite Olympic Sport?
So many of us at the Jersey Shore are enjoying the 2018 Winter Olympics, and we began to wonder what we were enjoying the most.
So we started our research with some unscientific polling and were a little stunned by the results we were beginning to get. By far, the top word we heard as we spoke to Jersey Shore residents was curling.
Yep, you heard that right. The sport of curling. Now not everyone who mentioned it said they loved it. as a matter of fact, a few people literally hate it, but there's no doubt that curling is on just about everyone's mind.
Almost 80% of the people I spoke with said curling is their favorite sport at the Olympics, and I have to admit, even though I pretty much have no idea what they're really doing out there with that broom, or whatever they call it, I get sucked in every time too.
As a matter of fact, I was at a romantic weekend getaway with Diane, and we happened to have the Olympics on while getting ready for the day, and yes it was curling that was on. And yes,we got sucked right in, so I understand everyone's fascination.
So, it's time to make it official. Let's do a Jersey Shore Poll to find out exactly what the top Olympic sport for the Jersey Shore is. Make your selection, and we'll have the results tomorrow.
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