Does Anyone Get Any Work Done The Week Before Christmas? [POLL]
It's just a few days before Christmas and many Jersey Shore workers are finding it hard to be productive.
Maybe the phenomenon can best be captures in a little poem I thought of while driving to work this morning. "It's the week before Christmas and all through the Shore, nobody's working 'cause they're half out the door".
Granted, I get a C+ at best at poetry, but I'll take an A for accuracy. There are so many things going on and so many people taking some well deserved time off that it's tough to focus.
But somehow, some of us are fighting through it and are getting done all the things we need to do at work and taking care of the personal holiday stuff as well. It all depends on how much of both you have to get done.
And I bet some people get a lot done, since there aren't a lot of people around to distract them. Sometimes, that's the most productive work environment there is.
So, let's do a Jersey Shore poll and find out how much is getting done this week at work. Choose the answer that best describes your level of success this week.
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