Jersey Shore Poll – What’s The Best Thing About A Snow Day?
It is going to be a very snowy 24 hours at the Jersey Shore tomorrow, and odds are much of the area will be shut down due to the weather.
So, if you are one of those who get to enjoy a rare snow day this winter due to the storm they're calling Stella, what is your absolute favorite thing about having a snow day. There's a lot to choose from.
The first thing that comes to my mind is sleeping in a little bit. How nice would it be to ignore, or not even hear that alarm on a Tuesday. That's a rarity that should be cherished to the fullest.
Then there's the freedom. The freedom to do what you want to do. Like binge watch a show you've heard so much about, catch up on a show you watch or just watch a daytime talk show!
Then there's all that snow out there. How about a snowball fight or a snowman with the kids. Lifetime memories are just outside that front door on a day like today.
And this isn't as much fun, but it is productive. When you're stuck in the house, it does give you the opportunity to catch up on housework, or clean out that closet you've been meaning to tackle.
So let us know what your favorite thing about a snow day is, and we'll have results as soon as this storm makes it's way out of here.
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