Jersey Shore Poll – What’s The Worst Beach Habit?
In two weeks, Memorial Day weekend will be here. So now we think all things beach, including the things other people do that drive us crazy when we're at the beach.
You know what that means. It's time for another Jersey Shore poll. This time we want to find out what activity other people do on the beach that are rude, obnoxious or otherwise annoying.
There seems to be so much to choose from. There's the football/frisbee/volleball games that pop up that always seem to include yelling, sand kicking and the obligatory muscle flexing.
Then there's the seagull feeder. I love all animals and love all animal lovers. But I don't think attracting 25 seagulls to a public place where you're 5 feet from other people on all sides is a good idea.
And how about the people who insist on squeezing in between you and the people next to you. You left an appropriate amount of space and now they're in it. And you can bet an hour later, their Aunt Ethel and her whole family will show up too.
The list of choices goes on and on. Time to cast your vote. And if you don't see your choice on the list, type it in!
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