Jersey Shore Poll – What’s Your Top Food Shopping Pet Peeve?
We have begun a series of polls geared toward finding out the things that bother Jersey Shore residents the most. Today we dive into the world of food shopping.
Am I the only one who has noticed that the supermarket can sometimes be a mini version of the Garden State Parkway on a busy day. Tensions build, eyes roll and we are all judged by complete strangers.
If you don't believe me, just stop your cart in the cereal aisle and take more than 11 seconds to decide between Mini Wheats and Honey Nut Cheerios and you will feel the heat immediately on the back of your neck.
In the supermarket, you are never moving fast enough or leaving your cart in the right place for your fellow shoppers. Stop and check the date on some chopped meat and you'll hear the sighing from the lady who can't reach the hamburger patties until you move.
And trying to go from aisle 11 to 12 is like trying to get on Route 35 in Sea Girt from one of the store parking lots along that road. Those two aisles at the front and back of the supermarket are like superhighways.
And then there's the line. Don't try to get on the express line with too many items. You can bet somebody behind you is counting, even if you didn't. And have those coupons ready. If you have to search for one, you'll quickly become public enemy #1 at register 7.
And don't even get me started about the parking lot. Everybody forgets everything they ever knew about driving when they're in there and once you finally negotiate around the people, the stray carts and the shoppers loading their parked cars, you have to park near someone who apparently had no idea what those white lines on the ground meant.
Are you starting to see what I mean about the supermarket being a lot like the Parkway? Now that we've discussed some of the joys of food shopping, let us know your biggest pet peeve.
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