Jersey Shore Results Revealed – To Pump Or Not To Pump
The Garden State gas pumping issue has resurfaced since we are now the only state that doesn't allow it. The latest Jersey Shore Poll asked you if you had any desire to pump your own gas.
The results of the Jersey Shore "Pump My Own or Leave it Alone' survey are in and there is a clear winner in the poll. A whopping 76% of you say 'leave it alone', as opposed to 24% who want to 'pump my own'. Most Shore residents would rather stay in the car while somebody else pumps the gas for them.
I do want to remind everyone of a fact that could really have swayed the results. This poll was taken on the last day of a 14 day cold spell that included a blizzard, over a foot of snow for many, and wind chills at 15 below.
I imagine that with weather as the top priority, most of us want to stay in the car. If it was May and you're waiting 5 minutes for an attendant, I would imaging the results might be slightly different.
But, regardless of that, our results came to the same conclusions that many other sources revealed, and that is that most Jersey Shore drivers are just fine letting someone else pump their own gas.
In conclusion, New Jersey is the last state in America where it's illegal to pump your own gas, and a majority of us are just fine with that.
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