Rocking Chairs on the Boardwalk in Pt Pleasant Beach
Just as there are benches with dedications on them up and down the boardwalk, now Jenkinson's has rocking chairs you can sit in!
I love the addition of these wonderful wooden rocking chairs. It's another nice way to sit and enjoy the view, and to do so in a char that's been dedicated to someone.
Don't worry...there are still benches dedicated to those we love, including this one I spotted yesterday in memory of Clarence Clemons.
As a friendly reminder for parents of kids who get bored over the winter, don't forget that two of the arcades at Jenkinson's remain open all year long, as does the aquarium, in case you'd like to treat yourself.
In fact, you can get up close and personal with the animals inside Jenkinson's Aquarium at feeding time, so CLICK HERE to find out the feeding schedules for the penguins, seals and sharks!
Here's to a mild and short winter so that we can get back to spending every free moment possible on our Jersey Shore boardwalks and beaches!!!