The Jersey Shore’s Top Driving Pet Peeve Is Revealed
Here at the Jersey Shore we all have something to say about driving and traffic. So what's the Jersey Shore's top pet peeve when it comes to other drivers?
That is the exact question we asked in our latest Jersey Shore poll, and with all the possibilities in this category, we assumed it was going to be a close race among the top choices, and it was exactly that.
We'd like to say that the top response is a predictable one (which it is), but so are the number 2, 3, and 4 responses. This was a question with many right answers and really no wrong answers.
The honor of top driving pet peeve goes to tailgating, which got 29% of your votes. That means a lot of people chose something else. Let's look at some of the other top responses.
Coming in at #2, with a very close 24% was people driving slow in the left lane, while 20% of our voters can't stand people who are impatient when the light turns green. There were many other pet peeves getting votes in our poll as well.
Twelve percent of our voters chose leaving the signal light on for 30 miles while trucks in the left lane, Lakewood, people who don't use blinkers and passing in the shoulder all got less than 5% of the votes.
In case you're wondering, absolutely no one polled said they had no driving pet peeves. Welcome to New Jersey.
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