The Most Famous Celebrity From Monmouth & Ocean
There are a lot of famous people from the Jersey Shore, but can you name the most famous person from both Monmouth & Ocean Counties?
There are so many famous people from our area, and a few years back listed the most famous person from each county in the Garden State and we think their choices for Monmouth and Ocean Counties still make sense.
Let's start in Monmouth County. There are a lot of celebs to choose from, but I think, with all due respect to all the celebrities from Monmouth County, two names immediately rise to the top.
Let's say them together. Bruce Springsteen and Jack Nicholson, right? That means we have to pass on Danny DeVito, and others, but when it comes to Monmouth County celebrities, I think we picked the right two. And even though the article chose Bruce, I think either one of the two would have been a fine choice.
And when it comes to Ocean County, one amazing actress immediately came to my mind, and I'm sure it's the same name that came to your mind, especially if you're from Point Pleasant.
You know who I'm talking about, and it's the same name the article chose for most famous celebrity from Ocean County, and the honor belongs to Kirsten Dunst, and deservedly so. She is a Golden Globe and Primetime Emmy nominee, and she is a great actress.
Each category has other names worthy of mention, and we salute all of our Garden state celebrities. In ase you're wondering where the great Jon Bon Jovi is, of course he's in the Middlesex County category, and yea, he won it.