Tips If You’re Feeling Lazy About Working Out
It's bathing suit season at the Jersey Shore, so everybody is thinking about working out. Some are doing it and some are feeling like they can't get inspired.
If you're finding yourself in the category of "too lazy" or "excuse maker" when it comes to working out., you are certainly not alone. Well guess what. Here's some good news. Experts now have work out tips for those of us who get lazy when it comes to fitness.
Here are some ideas from
Gather some friends...If you work out together, you are less likely to cancel or make an excuse, and you'll probably enjoy it more.
Do it first...If you do it first thing in the morning, you are much less likely to make an excuse not to do it.
Take 10...workouts that are shorter in length are still workouts, and less of a commitment!
Rewards! Don't forget to reward yourself for a work out well done!