Top Three Reasons For Stress At The Jersey Shore
Stress goes hand in hand with living in the Garden State, and we asked you to tell us the top stress producer in your life and the results are in.
Two of the top three were no surprise, but the third of the top three was a new entry and a true sign of the times the past few years. Let's break down how our most recent poll results shaped up.
Let's start with some stress producers that got votes but didn't make the top 3. Health, work and commuting in the snow got about 4% each. Stressing about the kids and family didn't make the top three, getting only 9%.
That leaves us with the official Top 3, and #3 could be even more interesting than #1. The top spot was money, and that is literally the least surprising news we'll give you. Money received 48% of your votes. At #2 was relationships, getting 17%.
So what is the #3 stress producer? What ware we more stressed about than work, our health and even our kids? For the first time ever, politics made our survey and wound up third on the list with 13% of the vote.
Great, just what we needed. A new stress maker for Jersey Shore residents. One thing is pretty sure, though. With taxes and the price of ...well...everything in New Jersey, money seems to have a lock on the top spot.
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