Yesterday we got a kick out of the menu at Perk's Cafe in Point Pleasant Beach. It says they have All American Toast! Not 'French' Toast!

In the true spirit of America, the owner of Perk's Cafe says he doesn't want to call it 'French Toast' when we are here in the USA!

Perks Cafe Menu
(photo from liz jeressi)

And that got my son doing a little research. Do you know the real reason why this delicious breakfast dish is usually called French Toast?

No, it's NOT a French dish. In fact, the named French Toast became popular before the founding of France! And, by the way, in France they don't call this dish French Toast.

So how did this name come about? By sheer accident, some say. There's a famous story about a NY innkeeper named Joseph French who wanted to advertise his egg-dipped bread breakfast dish back in 1724. He advertised it as "French Toast" because he was grammatically inept and forgot the apostrophe and 'S'.

But if you really go back in history, people have been dipping bread in milk and egg and then frying it at least since the 5th century, when the earliest recipes have been found.

By the way, the All American Toast at Perk's Cafe is TO DIE FOR!!!!! I ate every last bite and will be back for more! They also have great potato pancakes and pork roll! And awesome lunch stuff on the menu, a great staff that is so welcoming and friendly, and private parking while you eat -- rare to come across in Point Beach!

Perks is on Ocean Avenue across from Jenkinson's Aquarium and, by the way, they play 94.3 The Point inside, and The Boss outside : )

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