Very, VERY minor wedding planning is under way, and it's all started with choosing a date!

Claudio Divizia, Thinkstock

Full disclosure: Duzzy has said he's pretty much cool with whatever date I want, which is fine once you see how my crazy mind works:

I figured the best way to go about it was based on seasons first...

First things first, I hate winter. No WAY do I wanna get married in this season, so it's easy to strike that.

Clearly I'm just not a cold weather gal, which basically rules out October - early April...and since I'm not a huge fall fan, and September never really feels like summer, let's cross that off the list too.

Now, at the same time I don't want it to be oppressively July and August are out...

That leaves me with mid April-June...and since all anyone has told me is that June is the most expensive month to get married...that leaves me with late April-May...

That's convenient, since May has been my favorite month for as long as I can I think I'll go with that...

I also know I want to get married on a Saturday -- let's be honest, it's just the most convenient option for guests.

Now...ruling out Mother's Day Weekend (5/7-8), and Memorial Day Weekend(5/28-30) ...I'm left with May 14 or May 21, 2016...

Dealing with pre-wedding madness on Friday the 13th?? I DON'T THINK SO.

So May 21st it is!

472 days to go...

How did you choose your wedding date?

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